Field trials were conducted at the Imo poly Farm, Imo State Polytechnic Umuagwo in 2014 to determine the effect rate of fertilizer application on vegetable (telfairiaoccidentalis). The treatments involved nine fertilizer types namely; Aleshinloye grade A, Aleshinloye grade B, Sunshine grade A, Sunshine grade B, Pace setter grade A, Pace setter grade B, Neem compost,. Fluted pumpkin served as the test crop. The fertilizer types were applied at two levels each (0 and 60 kg. N ha-1). The treatments were assigned into a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Data were collected on growth parameters, nutritional composition and yield attributes of fluted pumpkin. The parameters assessed were significantly influenced (P<0.05) by the applied fertilizer types. The highest vine length, number of leaves, nutritional composition, fresh shoots and seed yields were recorded at 60 kg. N ha,-1 irrespective of the fertilizer types. Although, the best performance of fluted pumpkin in terms of growth and fresh shoot yield were obtained from neem compost fertilizer type, this was comparable with results obtained with tithonia compost. The highest P (0.83%), K (0.82%), Mg (3.20%), Ca (0.48%), Fe (4.63%) and protein (4.60 mg/kg) contents of fluted pumpkin shoot were obtained from the plants under poultry manure treatment while plants receiving no fertilizer application recorded the least values for all nutritional attributes assessed. Neem compost (86.1 kg/ha) closely followed by tithonia compost (62.7 kg/ha) gave highest seed yield of fluted pumpkin as compared to other fertilizer types. Although, neem compost and poultry manure gave the best performance in terms of yield and nutritional composition respectively, there is no significant difference between the values obtained from these treatments and that recorded from tithonia compost. In conclusion, the growth, nutritional composition and yield of fluted pumpkin were improved by fertilizer types.
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